Thursday, October 31, 2019

Project Quantitative Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Quantitative Method - Essay Example Five hospitals will be selected from each of the county and the selection will be done by picking the hospitals at an interval of two on a list. After every two hospitals on the list the next will be the one to be studied. The sample size will consist of 100 hospitals which are expected to be studied in this research. The bigger the sample sizes the better because errors will be minimized and the results of the study could be a clear representation of the actual state on the ground and could also be used in other studies. However a bigger sample size means a bigger budget and more time to carry out the study. In protecting research participants, a number of things are going to be considered. Protecting them will begin from the time the sample will be selected, to collection and use of the information gathered. In selecting the participants, reasons will be given why they should be included in the study, how they were brought into the study in order to avoid coercion, they will be required to give consent before participating in the study, they will also be told of the research procedure and any risks they may face together with the benefits that they will get for participating in the study. In the use of the data gathered anonymity will be ensured and no names will be mentioned in the study. This is aimed at protecting the participant’s identities and thus confidentiality will be maintained from collection, to storage and disposal of the data gathered. The study plans on using structured questionnaires that will be used to gather data on the hospitals selected. This method has been selected because it will be easy to administer the questionnaires. The data gathered will be reliable as they will only be given to five people who manage the hospital to increase validity and objectivity. Everything will be done by the researcher as he will be there to ensure that the questionnaire is filled appropriately by clarifying details that may not be understood. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Contracting and Procurement in Project Management College Essay

Contracting and Procurement in Project Management College - Essay Example However, it is also important to understand that the terms of each contract mostly vary from project to project depending upon the requirements of the each project. These terms largely depend upon the preference for quality, economy, flexibility as well as speed with which agreed terms and conditions of the contract can be delivered. Under these contracts, the allowable costs associated with the contract are identified first as these costs would be major costs to make buying and selling on the agreed terms of the contract. All the costs incurred therefore by the sellers are reimbursed by the buyer in the end according to the agreed terms of the contract. This type of contract can be highly risky for the buyer because the total costs associated with the contract always remain uncertain despite they are being identified. Any cost over-runs has to be borne by the buyer if contract terms go awry and does not remain within the control of either the buyer or the seller. However, on the positive side, scope changes in such kind of contracts are easy to make and buyer can do it anytime he wants however, this may increase the total cost of the contract. As discussed above that the cost reimbursable contracts are highly uncertain therefore contractors have very little ambitions or advantage to produce efficiently and productively. However, such kind of contracts helps contractors or sellers to pass on the increasing costs to the buyer. Such types of contracts are used when there is a greater uncertainty associated with the project and are used for projects which involve large investments being made in early part of its life. There are also sub-types of cost reimbursable contracts. These are: 1) Cost plus Fee are contracts where contractors are not only reimbursed of their total cost incurred but also a certain percentage of the overall cost of the contract. The percentages are decided before entering into the contract and are mostly documented in the contract. 2) Cost plus fixed fee are contract where the whole cost is charged back along with certain agreed fixed fee as the contract completion fee. This fixed fee is often considered as the profit of the seller. (, 2007). 3) Cost plus incentive is a type of contract where the buyer not only reimburse the total cost to the seller but also provide a certain amount as an incentive fee for exceeding the performance against the agreed contract terms. Such kind of terms may ensure better performance on the part of the seller as it provide them an added incentive to perform and execute the contract in most efficient way. This type f contract can beneficial to both the buyer and the seller if well written and can be a good alternative to the cost reimbursable contract. Fixed Price Contracts Such types of contracts fix a certain specific fee for the goods and services to be rendered before entering

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evaluating Agency Theorys Strengths and Weaknesses

Evaluating Agency Theorys Strengths and Weaknesses Agency theory refers to contract whereby principal engage with agent to perform some act on their behalf. The act involved giving power to agent for some decision making. Everyone work on the feet of benefit that can be gained for oneself. Thats why it is strongly agreeable that agent, as a utility maximizer will not act at the best interest of principal. Therefore, agents may cheat if they were not monitored by principal and principal, on the other hand, must bear agency cost to avoid suffering loss. These agency costs includes monitoring costs of agent, bonding costs whereby agent will try to show that they are not self-serving, and residual losses that are too costly to monitor. In general, agency cost is one of a type of internal cost incurred from, or must be paid to, an agent acting on behalf of a principal. Agency costs mainly originated from the separation of control, divergence of ownership and control and the different objectives (rather than shareholder maximization) of the managers. For example, difference of interest between shareholders and management. Shareholders hope that management could operate the company in a manner that increases shareholder value. But management may wish to run the company in ways that can maximize their personal authority  and well-being  that may not be in favor of the shareholders. From the paper, Jensen and Mecklings (1976), they used zero agency-cost firms whereby the manager is the firm sole shareholder as a reference point of comparison for all other cases of ownership and management structures. At one utmost of ownership and management structures are firms whose managers possess 100 percent of the firm. These firms, by their definition, have no agency costs. At the other utmost are firms whose managers are employees with no equity in the firm. In between are firms where the managers possess some, but not all, of their firms equity. They stated that agency costs are higher among firms that are not 100 percent owned by their managers and these costs increase as the equity share of the owner-manager declines. In other words, agency costs increases with a reduction in managerial ownership. In situation (where the managers own some, but not all, of their firms equity) whereby monitoring cost were included by equity holder to alter the opportunity the owner-manager has for possessing non-monetary benefits can decrease the owner-managers consumption of perquisites. Examples of monitoring cost include auditing and budget restrictions. However, owner-managers will still willingly enter into the contract as it will increase the firms value. The particular increase in the value of the firm that accrues will be reflected in the owners wealth, but his welfare will be increased by less than this because he forgoes some non-monetary benefits he previously enjoyed. In situation (where the managers own some, but not all, of their firms equity) whereby owner-manager expands resources to guarantee to equity holder that he would limit his activities, bonding cost incurred. Examples of bonding cost include contractual limitation on managers decision making power and auditing of financial account by public accountant. If the bonding costs were all under owner-managers control, he will gain the benefit as such of monitoring costs gives. In a nutshell, the manager finds it in his interest to incur these costs as long as the net increments in his wealth which they generate (by reducing the agency costs and therefore increasing the value of the firm) are more valuable than the perquisites given up. Although by incurring the monitoring and bonding cost increases the efficiency of firm, it does not maximize the firms value. This is because, the cost of separation of ownership and control occurred as a result of differences between efficient solution of zero monitoring and bonding cost and value of firm when there is positive monitoring cost. And Jensen and Mecklings (1976) showed that agency cost will be positive as long as monitoring costs are positive. Size and existence of agency cost depends greatly on the nature of monitoring costs, the needs of managers for non-monetary benefits and supply of potential managers who are able to finance the firm with personal wealth. Agency cost of debt indicates that there will be a rise in cost of debt when there is difference in the point of views of bondholders and management. There are a few fractions of agency costs of debts. The first one is the incentive effects related with debts. An owner-manager will intend to involve in investments with high risk and high profits with the financial structure of debt-typed claims because the loss will bear by debt-holder. For example where there are two investment options, A and B. The option B will help owner-manager to gain more equity, while the option A will give back more profit to bondholder. The choice of investment will only been done after the bonds are sold. Bondholders buy bonds from the company and suppose the company to invest in option A. However, due to the incentive effect, the manager did not invest as they expected but invest in option B which will help them gain more in equity. This will cause welfare loss to the bondholders. However, this decision c ould be realized by bondholders. If the bondholders knew the choice of the manager, they will only willing to buy the bonds at a lower price. Due to this action, the overall firm value may decrease. This reduction of firm value will be the residual loss which is also known as agency cost. This amount of agency cost is liable to owner-manager. Monitoring and bonding costs are another fraction of agency costs. In order to preserve the benefits of their own, bondholder will restrict the managements decisions. They will set contracts in details to monitor the owner-managers behavior. The contracts may influence the capacity of the management to make the best decision and decrease the profit of the firm. The decrease of the profit, the cost of enforcing the contracts and all the other costs related with the contracts are the monitoring costs. As the monitoring costs are borne by owner-manager, he will hope to minimize the monitoring cost, and therefore he will incur bonding costs. The bonding costs are incurred to give assurance to the bondholder that he will not turn aside from his promised behavior. He will only voluntarily bond himself in contract when such deed benefits him. Bankruptcy and reorganization costs are also one of the components of the agency costs of debts. Bankruptcy occurs when the firm unable to pay debt obligation. The cost of bankruptcy is always the interest of the potential buyers of fixed claims. This is because this cost will decrease their payoffs if the bankruptcy happens. If the probability of the bankruptcy cost is high, the willingness of the price buyer to pay for fixed claims will be low. The value lost because of the cost of bankruptcy will be the agency costs. The probability of bankruptcy will negatively affect the operating costs and the incomes of the firm. A firm may need to pay higher salaries in order to keep engaged the employees in the firm when the probability of the firm gone high. Besides, the firms that provide after sales services will also face decrease of sales volume. There are some factors that encourage the firms to use corporate debts although the factors discussed above will discourage them. Tax subsidy on interest payments is one of the factors. There are some theories verified that the use of risky debt will increase the value of the firm because of the tax subsidy on the interest payments. The firm will enjoy the benefits if in the end the benefit of tax subsidy covered the agency costs that incurred from debt. Furthermore, the firm will also be motivated to use corporate debt when there is a profitable investment while the firm has insufficient fund to invest. The firm will incur them provided that the profits generated from investment are greater than the marginal agency costs of debts. There is some critical variables to be concerned besides the amount of debt and equity for a given size firm, such as inside equity (Si) held by the manager, ouside equity (So) and debt (B) held by anyone ouside of the firm. Therefore, the term of ownership structure is applied rather than capital structure. Besides that, we have to identify that the cost to be inccured is related to the use of debt or outside equity in a firm. A firm which is facing capital limitation can finance the full capital value of its present and future projects if there are other individuals in the economy who have large enough amount of personal capital to finance the firm. Besides that, a firm can prevent property lossess related to the agency costs due to the sale of debt or outside equity. If not, the firm needs to acquire the excess capital in the debt market with the absence of such individuals. As a result, the owner-manager is the individual who bears the agency costs since the project is unprofitable enough to cover existing costs included agency costs. So, it is important for owner-manager who bears these costs to reduce the agency costs in order to increase his property. If the capital markets, such as the value of assets where the debt and outside equity is eficient enough to indicate the agency costs estimation with unbiased, these agency costs will bear by the selling owner-manager. So, the task of owner-manager who will take the risk to bear the cost of agency is to determine the perfect ratio of ouside equity to debt, So/B. Therefore, from the owner-managers point of view, the optimal ratio of outside funds to be acquire from equity to debt for a given level of internal equity is that E which results in minimum total agency costs, E*= So* /(B â‚ ¬Ã‚ «Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  So ) The total market value of the equity is S = Si+So, The total market value of the firm is V = S+B. 0 E*= (So/ B + So) At(E= ASo(E) + AB(E) AB(E) ASo(E) At(E*) Figure 1 We assume that the size of the firm is remain constant and the actual value of the firm V, will rely on the agency costs incurred. Figure 1 indicate the agency costs is divided into two separate components, ASo(E) represents the total agency costs of outside equity holders by the owner-manager and AB(E) represents the total agency costs of debt incurred in the ownership structure. A Ã‚ ´(E) = ASo(E) + AB(E) is the total agency cost. The optimal proportion of outside financing shown as E* where total agency costs is minimum, AT(E*). When E ºÃ¢â€š ¬Ã‚  So/(B+So) is zero, there is no outside equity, the managers intention to use the outside equity is zero. As E increases, his incentives to exploit the outside equity is increase and hence the agency costs ASo(E) increase. When the outside equity So = E = 0, there are a maximum of outside funds are acquire from debt. As the amount of debt decreases to zero, these costs, AB(E) decrease because his intention to rearrange wealth from the bondholders to himself falls. It is because the total amount of debt reduce, and therefore it is more easier to rearrange any amount given to the debtholders. Besides that, his reallocation shares which is accomplished is falling since So is rising and therefore inside equity, Si/(So+Si), his share of the total equity is falling. At(E* Ko) E*(Ko) At(E* K1) E*(K1) AB(E K0) ASo(E K0) AB(E K1) AS0(E K1) K1) High outside financing Low outside financing Figure 2. Agency cost functions and optimal ouside equity as a fraction of total outside financing, E*(K), for two different levels of outside financing. In order to identify the consequences of rising the amount of outside financing, and therefore decrease the amount of equity held by the manager,Si, the value of the firm, V* remain constant. The net consequence of the greater used of outside financing given the cost functions in figure 2 is to increase the total agency costs from A Ã‚ ´(E*;Ko) to A Ã‚ ´(E*;K1), and to increase the optimal portion of outside funds acquired from the sale of outside equity. Therefore, the larger the firm may incurred higher total agency costs due to the monitoring function is internally more difficult and expensive in a larger organization. At(K V*1) At(k V*o) At(E K V*) Total agency costs 0 Fraction of firm financed by outside claims KFig. 3. Total agency costs as a function of the fraction of the firm financed by outside claims for two firm sizes, V*1>V*o. Of course, there are certain risks when the owner-manager demanded for outside financing. If the owner-manager is alway relies on outside funding, he will have his entire treasure invested in the firm. Therefore, he would not optional to outside funding until he had invested 100 percent of his personal wealth in the firm. Since, the manager who invests all of his wealth in a firm, he will bear a welfare loss. However, he can prevent the agency costs when he increasing relies on outside funding by taking certain actions. If the returns from assets are not totally correlated with the project, an individual can decrease the riskiness of the returns on his part by dividing his treasure into different assets by diversifying. Of course, he will be contributed to become a minority stockholder in order to avoid this risk by suffer a wealth loss as he reduces his proportion ownership because prospective shareholders and bondholders will take into account the agency costs. The analysis of this paper is only related with a single investment-financing decision and has excluded the issues of incentives which influencing future financing-investment decisions. However, some changes have been made to conclude that the costs and benefits will be changed by the expectation of future sales of outside equity and debt which may benefit to the manager himself. If he brings out a high probability of chance for dealing business, he probably can gain a big amount of future capital from outside sources and it will help to increase the business benefit and reduce the size of the agency costs. But, finite life of individual cannot eliminate the agency cost because it needs to consider more on his successors who think of own benefit and interest. Normally, they assumed that all outside equity are no right to vote. The manager will suffer the decreasing of his partial ownership in the long-run welfare and limit his action to control over the corporation and even fire the manager if they have right to vote. Besides, if the costs of decreasing the dispersion of ownership are lesser than the benefits to be acquired from decreasing the agency costs, it will pay some individual to purchase the shares in the market to decrease the dispersion of ownership. Moreover, they proposed an alternative way for the owner-manager who carried both equity and debt outstanding to get rid of the agency costs of debt. It will be no incentive if he is bound contractually to have a portion of the total debt equal to his partial ownership of the total equity. If the manager is getting balance between the debt and equity holders, the net effect will be zero. But, the limitation is they have not conduct to the large corporation and just perform in the small company which cause them couldnt have a clear picture on formal contract of reducing agency cost. Theory of Monitoring is a major part of the analysis which they expected monitoring activities help to develop particular characteristics to those institutions and individuals will be given a lot of advantages through these activities. The analysis demonstrates that the degree of security analysis activities will lower the agency costs related with the division of ownership and control, and they are socially productive absolutely. Furthermore, they supported that there are a lot of advantages of the security analysis activity to be played in the bigger capital value of the ownership claims to firms which is not in the day to day portfolio returns if this analysis is correct. If the firm can make the private returns to analysis same with the private costs of such activity, the security analysis will be balanced. However, the analysis will not reveal the social product of this activity which will include high level output and capital value of ownership claims. Therefore, the argument s uggests that, it will be overwhelming when the shareholders pay straightforwardly to have the perfect monitoring conducted if there is imperfect of security analysis being conducted. The problems discovered in the study included Pareto inefficient which is the obtainable set of financial claims on outcomes in a market fails to extent the fundamental step. An inadequacy conclusion is generally come out without clear attention to the costs of discovering latest claims or costs of maintaining the expanded set of markets which refer to the welfare improvement. But, the problem is the difficulty of formulation a positive analysis of the maximum level of individual behaviors in the economy that may influence them to generate and sell contingent claims. So, self-interested maximizing behavior of individuals becomes the first step in the way of implementing a study of the supply of markets issue. They suppose that planning the question of the perfect markets in terms of the combine both the demand and supply conditions will be very productive instead of implicitly assuming that latest claims from independent human effort.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Not here :: essays papers

Not here Most people think that the U.S. constitution was just ratified and there was no arguments over its passing. In fact there was almost enough opposition that it came very close to not being passed. It was the Hamiltonians vs. the Jeffersonians in almost all cases. Even before the United States Constitution was ratified there was debate over whether or not to have a strict interpretation or a loose one. There was also debate over a State’s right to nullify a law. As memories of Shay’s rebellion and the reality of the Whiskey rebellion came to the front the issue of undue force became an issue. One of the other major issues during this era was the debt and the national bank. Although the constitution was passed there was much debate over whether it should be a strict or loose interpretation. Hamilton’s federalists thought it should be loose and Jefferson’s democratic-republicans strict. If it was strict then the federal government would only have the powers specifically given to it because of the tenth amendment. Too justify it being loose the federalists used the elastic clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18) and then they could decide what was necessary and proper. Hamilton thought that the only way â€Å"to protect states sovereignty and at the same time have a national government would be to have a strong central authority†. The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions brought to the front a very important matter of concern, a state’s right to nullify a law. The federalists said that if a state could nullify a law then what did the laws mean. The democratic-republicans thought that if a law hurt a state unduly then it could be nullified. â€Å"Resolved,† the Kentucky Legislature declared in its opening paragraph, â€Å"that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.† Supreme authority in America, it argued, was held not by the federal government but by the people and the states, and Congress and the president had only those powers clearly delegated to them by the Constitution. This issue would not be settled until the civil war This is one of the pivotal moments of politics at that time the federalists were thrown out in 1800 mainly because of this. Another cause for concern about the new government was the use of undue force. The democratic-republicans thought that Washington used too much force in putting down the whiskey rebellion.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Academic Criticism Graphic Organizer Essay

Lady Macbeth was being haunted in her dreams because of the actions her and her husband had carried out. Characterizations was also revealed because it showed Lady Macbeth was not cold hearted and that she had a conscience. Lady Macbeth is wearing a white dress to show her true innocence but her hair is black to show the darkness within. The people were in the corner because they wanted to listen what she was saying while she was sleep walking The doctor and lady Macbeth are in this scene. There is also another woman is wearing old clothing. The doctor is a woman in this stage adaptation but is described as a male in Shakespeare’s writing. Again, Lady Macbeth is wearing a white dress and has black hair implying her guilt ridden conscience. Step 2: Question Why was it chosen for Lady Macbeth’s character to experience such guilt when she was such a cold hearted character in the beginning? How did this  contribute to the outcome of the play? Why was Lady Macbeth in all white? Why was the doctor remaining in the corner instead of helping Lady Macbeth back to her bed? Why in this adaptation did Lynch have the doctor as a woman and not as a male like the play had portrayed? Step 3: Analyze Lady Macbeth starts to feel guilty because it shows the darkness that is slowly going to start taking over Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s relationship and not in a good way. The doctor stayed in the corner with the woman to show their interest in what Lady Macbeth was saying and how they were whispering to each other. Lady Macbeth was put in all white to show she still had a sense of innocence to her Lynch possibly made a woman play as the doctor because earlier in the play the doctor states that all men are born of women. Step 4: Evaluate The author accomplishes the theme that Darkness is Dangerous because showing how the evil actions that Lady Macbeth had did left a darkness in her that she could not handle. Therefore, haunting her through many nights and eventually leading to her own downfall. The painter accomplished the portrayal they wanted the viewer to see of the guilt ridden soul that Lady Macbeth had obtained and how she in fact was remorseful for the things she did, showing her pure innocence that she has  always, shown just by simply wearing a white dress and the people in the corner whispering showing how her thoughts that were being spoken must have been of high importance and depth. The director accomplished a portrayal of the doctor in his own words. â€Å"All men are born of women.† I also feel that a male doctor might not have been more likely to stay ease drop on Lady Macbeths sleepwalking like a woman would. Critique: Shakespeare’s original text of Lady Macbeths sleepwalking scene which had shown the toll that was taken on Lady Macbeth after the murder she had taken part in, was and inspiration not only for painters but for other directors to remake the play in their interpretations. Both the painting and the Theater production captured the sole purpose of the scene that Shakespeare originally had wrote and they were both similar in character with only a slight difference. The painting by Artus Scheiner, had captured Lady Macbeth’s innocence but also accomplished making the scene seem a bit â€Å"spooky† with the lighting. In similarity to the theater production it was also dark and Lady Macbeth walked in lighting. Lady Macbeths true mentality was shown in the production when she sat on the floor and started to rub her hands together vigorously to wash off the imaginary blood she sees on her hands. The painting shows Lady Macbeth walking calmly but in the production she screams with frustration unable to let anyone what she has done, so she is left with having to keep the secret forever. However, Scheiner’s painting captured the main purpose of this scene in one picture, all by contrasting the lighting and choosing the clothes that she wore to represent her personality with no words. Lynch’s adaptation of the play also took advantage of the white dress and black hair appearance to vaguely brush on Lady Macbeth’s true inner self being taken over by evil deeds.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Structure

The company that I chose to examine for their organizational structure Is Google. Google Is well-known for their unusual culture which helps and promotes employee creativity. This business is inventive and embraces change, growth, and advancements in all areas. Google has been able to create new innovations and consistently changes its business model. Google differs from other organizations that have not mastered the idea of embracing business and technology as a main focal point.The K-Mart/Sears merger Is a prime example of still unable to make their equines sustainable. Sears signature was offering their customers catalogs by mall. When the decision to stop mail catalogs was made, their company took a set back and Sears lost a lot of their sales. Making decisions that go against what the company is well-known for is not advancing the growth of the organization (Clifford, 2010). Google continues to find their residence within many diversified areas in technology; K-Mart/ Sears do no t.Another example off company that relies on technology as their main source of sales would be Amazon. Com. Amazon has Impacted retail In remarkable says by also focusing on Ideas and products that set the standards for the technology industry. For companies, such as K-martÃ'Ÿears, to continue to thrive, they need to examine what is working and not working for their company. Technology is only advancing and it will be a needed resource for them to thrive within the competition of sales. K-Mart/Sears would be considered a matrix structure.This organization Is grouped by the products they offer, as well as their functions. Matrix structures can be linked with Increased managers to employees, which can cause conflicts and the loyalty of employees If not evenly spread out. Amazon's organizational structure would be considered to be a network structure. This type of structure has less hierarchy, and allows management to be more flexible and in control of internal and external relationsh ips. Google has a diversified structure.While it follows a functional structure with a Board of Directors and executive management group, Google's organizational chart Is structured to allow positions to be grouped Into regions, rather than departments. This Is Imperative to the design of Google, as it allows them to develop methods that are specific to the understanding, proper functioning, and success of the organization. (Mining-Hone, You- De, & Yea-Hey, 2011, p. 232) Google operates with exceptional marketing techniques that allow them to exceed in superior organizational functions.Their demographics exceed and surpass most of all their competition. Google has marketed so well that their name branding Is now a household term In regards to answering any question. As Google. Have a question? Google the answer. â€Å"Every day Google answers more than one billion questions from people around the globe†¦ Technology make this possible cause we can create computing programs, cal led â€Å"algorithms† that can handle the immense volume and breadth of search requests. We're Just at the beginning of what's possible, and we are constantly looking to find better solutions.We have more engineers working on search today than at any time in the past† (Cut, 2014). Google continues to increase more diverse services by online marketing and relaying information. Google continues to hire employees from all over their world to continue advancing in their operations. Capturing data and analyzing information is one of their procedures within their business model. Google has also marketed the company within social networking. Other applications that are profiting the business are Goalless and Goldenness.This allows other users to earn revenue by presenting their business information within their search engines. Google is allowing businesses to grow and flourish in competitive and cost efficient ways. Google also markets their business by using TV advertisements . In 2011, Google spent approximately $70 million dollars promoting the company within the United States. (McGee, 2012). A major part within the business model of Google is their organizational design. The geographic location of Google does not pose a problem for the business as they are a global company.The design of this company has made business to be more cost-effective for them. Branding is the functional design, and one of the keys to the success of Google. Google is customer driven and customer focused. They strive to be the number one internet search engine and are continually ensuring they are finding ways to enhance the user experience. While Google's main focus is the search engine, they have also created other successful products that elf to enhance and grow their business and customer base. A few of these successful products are: Google Maps; Google Disease; Google Sky; Google's.There are also products that Google charges for that add more profit to the organization. Go ogle employs staff to watch the trends of their users and ensure proper advertisement and placement of their products. As Google continues to raise the bar within technology, laws may be put into place to ensure that there is room for other search engines to compete. The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Bring, had a vision for the company. Since that vision has been created, the focus has shifted to continue growth and expansion.Google has done a brilliant Job ensuring that all of their processes are divided into well-designed departments with experts (Kodak, 2013). A matrix structure might be ideal if the experts within the departments were taken into thought. The challenge that Google would face would be ensuring proper communication and morale were maintained between groups. Google continues to overcome challenges and revamps their structure. This is an important element to the organization as the company grows. Google will continue to remain successful as long as they a re continuing to invest back into their company. Organizational Structure Most large businesses have the same type of organizational structure. This paper will be discussing OURS Corp.. , Tetra Tech, Inc. , and AMES Pl. These three companies are all involved in the construction industry. These companies have many similarities as well as differences. This paper will also explain the organizational functions and how they influence organizational structure and design. OURS, Tetra Tech Inc. And AMES are all providers of engineering, consulting, construction management, and focus on infrastructure and the environment. Each company operates in various countries. The business structure for all three companies includes a Board of directors, Upper management, and front-line management. Upper management is thus broken down by Vice Presidents of the companies sectors including Energy and Construction Division, Oil & Gas Division, and Corporate Initiatives. The three companies being discussed contain project managers, architects, and design engineers.Each of the three companies have a system of hierarchy that is followed for each project that is underway. Delegation is important in such a large industry and requires many level management involvement in projects. Organizational structures that these companies use branch off into various directions, including the vice presidents of areas involved in the project that is responsible for specific areas. Safety directors, environmental managers, lead architect/designer are usually the most visible at the beginning of a construction project.This hierarchy develops as ground breaking begins. Employees in specialized areas are brought in such as plumbers, interior designers, welders, and electricians. Each specialty usually has a project manager above them. These people are in charge of the day to day operations of the construction project. The diagram of a reporting structure below shows a generalized formula for the organizational chart for a project. The horizontal structure of these companies allows for employees to report up in the chain of command and vice versa for the individuals at the top of the hierarchy.This construction allows for the specialized areas to communicate effectively with all individuals that are involved in the building of a structure. There are many aspects to constructing a building that must be overseen and controlled. A seemingly minor mistake can lead to large and costly corrections, this is why the reporting structure of the organization is so important. Organizational functions are important for the success for all three organizations. Each business must market itself appropriately to prospective consumers.The consumer markets for all three of these companies are large and cover multiple countries. OURS states â€Å"We help clients meet their operational and environmental challenges by providing services throughout every phase of the project life cycle, including front-end studies; environmental management; engineering and process design; procureme nt, construction and construction management; facility management and maintenance; and closure. We partner with industry clients to help increase productivity, reduce costs and improve overall performance† (www. Ours. Com, 2014).The company's statement is their marketing design for the consumer and covers the products and services that are being sold to the consumers. Each company has a similar statement and is used to market their business, and acquire new clients while maintaining the network of consumers that they have already obtained. Finance is another function that affects these companies; the financial department for any company is responsible for many facets of the organization. The finance department is in control of budgets, which includes equipment, product, and service purchases.Tetra Tech's income stems from fees for professional, technical, construction, construction management services, along with program management. Revenue for this business, along with AMES a nd OURS, is done through their abilities to attract and retain productive employees, identify business opportunities, and secure new and existing client contracts. Human Resources role in an organization has grown to be an essential part of an organization. Human Resources are no longer Just a personnel management department, it has become an essential part of an organization.The HRS departments of large corporations must be knowledgeable in their organizations businesses. â€Å"HRS leaders are a strong advocate for at least four sets of values: strategic, ethical, legal, and financial† (Bateman & Snell, 2011). Human Resources for these organizations include the HRS planning processes. The HRS planning processes include market recasts, labor supply forecasts, reconciling supply and demand, and Job analysis. All of the companies we have discussed use internal recruiting, external recruiting, and use a selection process for hiring new or advancing established employees.Each sec tor of these companies must adhere to the policies established within the agreed upon HRS framework which is designed for equal opportunity employment. These are considered the standard operating procedure guidelines. The organizational structure is important for both large and small companies. With AMES, Tetra Tech, ND OURS, the companies are very large and encompass many industries. The size of the companies creates complexities and the need for increased control. The size of a business can offer advantages that smaller companies cannot.Larger businesses are able to offer lower costs per unit, larger purchasing power, and easier access to capital. Big companies are able to compete on the global market such as the ones in the paper. Within AMES, Tetra Tech, and OURS the companies use the differentiations design due to the complex nature of the companies. This allows for the controlling aspect needed to run the businesses efficiently. Large construction companies seem to operate wit h similar reporting structures. Organizational Structure Most large businesses have the same type of organizational structure. This paper will be discussing OURS Corp.. , Tetra Tech, Inc. , and AMES Pl. These three companies are all involved in the construction industry. These companies have many similarities as well as differences. This paper will also explain the organizational functions and how they influence organizational structure and design. OURS, Tetra Tech Inc. And AMES are all providers of engineering, consulting, construction management, and focus on infrastructure and the environment. Each company operates in various countries. The business structure for all three companies includes a Board of directors, Upper management, and front-line management. Upper management is thus broken down by Vice Presidents of the companies sectors including Energy and Construction Division, Oil & Gas Division, and Corporate Initiatives. The three companies being discussed contain project managers, architects, and design engineers.Each of the three companies have a system of hierarchy that is followed for each project that is underway. Delegation is important in such a large industry and requires many level management involvement in projects. Organizational structures that these companies use branch off into various directions, including the vice presidents of areas involved in the project that is responsible for specific areas. Safety directors, environmental managers, lead architect/designer are usually the most visible at the beginning of a construction project.This hierarchy develops as ground breaking begins. Employees in specialized areas are brought in such as plumbers, interior designers, welders, and electricians. Each specialty usually has a project manager above them. These people are in charge of the day to day operations of the construction project. The diagram of a reporting structure below shows a generalized formula for the organizational chart for a project. The horizontal structure of these companies allows for employees to report up in the chain of command and vice versa for the individuals at the top of the hierarchy.This construction allows for the specialized areas to communicate effectively with all individuals that are involved in the building of a structure. There are many aspects to constructing a building that must be overseen and controlled. A seemingly minor mistake can lead to large and costly corrections, this is why the reporting structure of the organization is so important. Organizational functions are important for the success for all three organizations. Each business must market itself appropriately to prospective consumers.The consumer markets for all three of these companies are large and cover multiple countries. OURS states â€Å"We help clients meet their operational and environmental challenges by providing services throughout every phase of the project life cycle, including front-end studies; environmental management; engineering and process design; procureme nt, construction and construction management; facility management and maintenance; and closure. We partner with industry clients to help increase productivity, reduce costs and improve overall performance† (www. Ours. Com, 2014).The company's statement is their marketing design for the consumer and covers the products and services that are being sold to the consumers. Each company has a similar statement and is used to market their business, and acquire new clients while maintaining the network of consumers that they have already obtained. Finance is another function that affects these companies; the financial department for any company is responsible for many facets of the organization. The finance department is in control of budgets, which includes equipment, product, and service purchases.Tetra Tech's income stems from fees for professional, technical, construction, construction management services, along with program management. Revenue for this business, along with AMES a nd OURS, is done through their abilities to attract and retain productive employees, identify business opportunities, and secure new and existing client contracts. Human Resources role in an organization has grown to be an essential part of an organization. Human Resources are no longer Just a personnel management department, it has become an essential part of an organization.The HRS departments of large corporations must be knowledgeable in their organizations businesses. â€Å"HRS leaders are a strong advocate for at least four sets of values: strategic, ethical, legal, and financial† (Bateman & Snell, 2011). Human Resources for these organizations include the HRS planning processes. The HRS planning processes include market recasts, labor supply forecasts, reconciling supply and demand, and Job analysis. All of the companies we have discussed use internal recruiting, external recruiting, and use a selection process for hiring new or advancing established employees.Each sec tor of these companies must adhere to the policies established within the agreed upon HRS framework which is designed for equal opportunity employment. These are considered the standard operating procedure guidelines. The organizational structure is important for both large and small companies. With AMES, Tetra Tech, ND OURS, the companies are very large and encompass many industries. The size of the companies creates complexities and the need for increased control. The size of a business can offer advantages that smaller companies cannot.Larger businesses are able to offer lower costs per unit, larger purchasing power, and easier access to capital. Big companies are able to compete on the global market such as the ones in the paper. Within AMES, Tetra Tech, and OURS the companies use the differentiations design due to the complex nature of the companies. This allows for the controlling aspect needed to run the businesses efficiently. Large construction companies seem to operate wit h similar reporting structures. Organizational Structure The company that I chose to examine for their organizational structure Is Google. Google Is well-known for their unusual culture which helps and promotes employee creativity. This business is inventive and embraces change, growth, and advancements in all areas. Google has been able to create new innovations and consistently changes its business model. Google differs from other organizations that have not mastered the idea of embracing business and technology as a main focal point.The K-Mart/Sears merger Is a prime example of still unable to make their equines sustainable. Sears signature was offering their customers catalogs by mall. When the decision to stop mail catalogs was made, their company took a set back and Sears lost a lot of their sales. Making decisions that go against what the company is well-known for is not advancing the growth of the organization (Clifford, 2010). Google continues to find their residence within many diversified areas in technology; K-Mart/ Sears do no t.Another example off company that relies on technology as their main source of sales would be Amazon. Com. Amazon has Impacted retail In remarkable says by also focusing on Ideas and products that set the standards for the technology industry. For companies, such as K-martÃ'Ÿears, to continue to thrive, they need to examine what is working and not working for their company. Technology is only advancing and it will be a needed resource for them to thrive within the competition of sales. K-Mart/Sears would be considered a matrix structure.This organization Is grouped by the products they offer, as well as their functions. Matrix structures can be linked with Increased managers to employees, which can cause conflicts and the loyalty of employees If not evenly spread out. Amazon's organizational structure would be considered to be a network structure. This type of structure has less hierarchy, and allows management to be more flexible and in control of internal and external relationsh ips. Google has a diversified structure.While it follows a functional structure with a Board of Directors and executive management group, Google's organizational chart Is structured to allow positions to be grouped Into regions, rather than departments. This Is Imperative to the design of Google, as it allows them to develop methods that are specific to the understanding, proper functioning, and success of the organization. (Mining-Hone, You- De, & Yea-Hey, 2011, p. 232) Google operates with exceptional marketing techniques that allow them to exceed in superior organizational functions.Their demographics exceed and surpass most of all their competition. Google has marketed so well that their name branding Is now a household term In regards to answering any question. As Google. Have a question? Google the answer. â€Å"Every day Google answers more than one billion questions from people around the globe†¦ Technology make this possible cause we can create computing programs, cal led â€Å"algorithms† that can handle the immense volume and breadth of search requests. We're Just at the beginning of what's possible, and we are constantly looking to find better solutions.We have more engineers working on search today than at any time in the past† (Cut, 2014). Google continues to increase more diverse services by online marketing and relaying information. Google continues to hire employees from all over their world to continue advancing in their operations. Capturing data and analyzing information is one of their procedures within their business model. Google has also marketed the company within social networking. Other applications that are profiting the business are Goalless and Goldenness.This allows other users to earn revenue by presenting their business information within their search engines. Google is allowing businesses to grow and flourish in competitive and cost efficient ways. Google also markets their business by using TV advertisements . In 2011, Google spent approximately $70 million dollars promoting the company within the United States. (McGee, 2012). A major part within the business model of Google is their organizational design. The geographic location of Google does not pose a problem for the business as they are a global company.The design of this company has made business to be more cost-effective for them. Branding is the functional design, and one of the keys to the success of Google. Google is customer driven and customer focused. They strive to be the number one internet search engine and are continually ensuring they are finding ways to enhance the user experience. While Google's main focus is the search engine, they have also created other successful products that elf to enhance and grow their business and customer base. A few of these successful products are: Google Maps; Google Disease; Google Sky; Google's.There are also products that Google charges for that add more profit to the organization. Go ogle employs staff to watch the trends of their users and ensure proper advertisement and placement of their products. As Google continues to raise the bar within technology, laws may be put into place to ensure that there is room for other search engines to compete. The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Bring, had a vision for the company. Since that vision has been created, the focus has shifted to continue growth and expansion.Google has done a brilliant Job ensuring that all of their processes are divided into well-designed departments with experts (Kodak, 2013). A matrix structure might be ideal if the experts within the departments were taken into thought. The challenge that Google would face would be ensuring proper communication and morale were maintained between groups. Google continues to overcome challenges and revamps their structure. This is an important element to the organization as the company grows. Google will continue to remain successful as long as they a re continuing to invest back into their company.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Relation between The Bell Curve and Racial Genetics essays

Relation between The Bell Curve and Racial Genetics essays While walking the path of life, travelers must ask themselves whether they were destine to walk a specified course laid before them, or if their surroundings subconsciously direct them free of fate. The idea of fate is an interesting concept; it is predetermined yet many times it cannot be proven or predicted. However, various applications of predetermination can be predicted. One such idea that applies this sense of predetermination is The Bell Curve. The argument of The Bell Curve suggests that depending upon the race of an individual they are predisposed to having either a lower than average or higher than average Intelligence Quotient also known as I.Q. This Intelligence Quotient indicates a person's mental abilities relative to others of the same or different ethnicity and similar age group. Everyone has hundreds of specific mental abilities, if measured accurately can be used as reliable predictors of academic and financial success. In America today, you are much better off kno wing a child's I.Q. score than her parents' income or education if you want to predict whether she will drop out of high school. according to Race, Genes and I.Q, an Apologia article. The concept that I.Q. scores are affected by race and ethnicity is highly supported. However, ethnic differences in measured cognitive ability have been found since intelligence tests were invented. The battle over the meaning of these differences is largely responsible for today's controversy over intelligence testing itself. (Herrnstein and Murray, 1994) The suggestion that race and ethnicity determines I.Q scores highly contested throughout the science community. There are countless online blogs, debate sessions, and persuasive works that have tackled this topic head on. They oppose The Bell Curve due to its racist roots and counter those beliefs with their own theory of how I.Q. is developed. Even to this day people are still disputing the conc...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gender and Leisure essays

Gender and Leisure essays GENDER DIFFERENCES IN TERMS OF LEISURE There are many approaches to defining leisure. Many languages, such as German, Spanish, and Japanese, have no equivalent term. Most languages have some concept of free time. In general use, leisure is what we do for fun. A slightly more sophisticated version would be that leisure is activity we do primarily for the experience. It is obvious that as the machines do most of our work, we will have more leisure time. At those times people may prefer to learn new languages, finding out more about their cultures, travelling, experiencing other countries Socializing will remain a popular aspect of leisure in the 21st century. Personal interaction with family members, friends, colleagues and individuals with common interests will take place in a variety of venues and locales. It is important to note that any form of pleasure-seeking has the potential to develop into addictive and self-destructive behavior Socializing will remain a popular aspect of leisure in the 21st century. Personal interaction with family members, friends, colleagues and individuals with common interests will take place in a variety of venues and locales. It is important to note that any form of pleasure-seeking has the potential to develop into addictive and self-destructive behavior Leisure activities vary according to the activity itself, time, place, economic status and cultures of people, and gender. In this paper, I will try to give a point of view about the differences in leisure activities according to gender differences; I will try to explore how and why gender shapes leisure and recreation as well as how and why leisure and recreation may perpetuate or transform beliefs about gender. There are different expectations for women and men, as it does for little girls and boys. Even when the same activities are encouraged, gender differentiates st...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Character of Touchstone in Shakespeares As You Like It Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

The Character of   Touchstone in As You Like It    As You Like It features, like so many of Shakespeare's plays, a professional clown, Touchstone, and it's worth paying some attention to his role for what it contributes towards establishing and maintaining the upbeat comic spirit of the play. For the jester is the constant commentator on what is going on. His humour, pointed or otherwise, thus inevitably contributes to the audience's awareness of what is happening, and the way in which other characters treat him is often a key indicator of their sensibilities. Touchstone is one of the gentlest and happiest clowns in all of Shakespeare. He comments on the action, makes jokes at other people's expense, and offers ironic insights about their situation. But throughout As You Like It, such traditional roles of the fool are offered and taken with a generosity of spirit so that his remarks never shake the firm comic energies of the play. When he ridicules Orlando's verses, Rosalind laughs along with him. When he points out to Corin (in 3.2) that the shepherd must be damned for never having lived at court, Corin takes it as good natured jesting (which it is). When Touchstone takes Audrey away from her rural swain, William, there are apparently no hard feelings (although much here depends on the staging). In this play, the professional jester participates in and contributes to a style of social interaction which is unqualified by any more sober and serious reflections. This makes Touchstone very different from the bitter fool of King Le ar or from the most complex fool of all, the sad Feste of Twelfth Night , both of whom offer comments that cast either a shrewd, melancholy, or bitter irony on the proceedings.    Touchstone himself becomes the target of much humour by his immediate attraction to Audrey, the "foul" country lass. There is something richly comic here, seeing the staunch apologist for the sophisticated life of the court fall so quickly to his animal lust. But the satire here is very good humoured. Touchstone himself acknowledges the frailty of his vows and does not attempt to deceive anyone about his intentions.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resource Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example In the course of performing these activities, HRM faces a lot of challenges. This term paper provides a comprehensive insight into the challenges commonly faced by HRM in each of the aforementioned activities. Issues of Human Resource Management Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Diversity as well as equality has played an important role not only in legislation and policies developed, but it has been demonstrated that it contributes to a business success (Foot, 2011). A diverse workforce allows for a wider pool of possible employees and can increase the chance of finding the best match for a job position. Similarities can be found within the legislation of several countries with regard to equality. The Equality Act 2010 UK (although sometimes considered as controversial) and the Civil Rights Act 1964 US are just some examples of legislation enforced to ensure equality at the workplace. The most common characteristics, which are protected, are age, sex, race, religion or belie f, pregnancy and disability (Noe, 2011). Yet, one has to bear in mind that Equal Employment Opportunity â€Å"does not mean preferential treatment for one individual over another† (Bernardin, 2011, p.84) due to the above-mentioned characteristics. Hiring a person solely on the ground of him or her belonging to a minority while rejecting a more qualified applicant can also be considered as discrimination. In order to work within the law, any Human Resource practice has to evaluate internal policies and adjust documents and actions so they are compliant and do not show some kind of discrimination. However, equality does not only play a role during recruitment; a good equality policy can attract future employees, creates a framework on acceptable behavior and in turn can ensure that employees are treated fairly (Foot, 2011). Job Design and Analysis â€Å"Job design determines the way in which work should be performed which, in turn, affects the degree of authority of an employe e over the work; the scope of decision-making by the employee; the number of tasks an employee has to perform; and employee satisfaction† (, 2012). Job analysis is a detailed study of the scope of work and roles and responsibility of the employee in that position. Job designing and analysis is not much of an issue in a stable work environment. However, HRM faces challenges when the organizational culture is dynamic and the top management frequently makes changes in the organization structure in its attempt to change the system for the better. Planning and Recruiting of Human Resources Planning and recruiting is a very technical task and demands considerable effort on the part of the HRM. Before advertising any vacancy, the HRM needs to identify the skills’ gap in the existing organizational workforce, the job role and responsibilities of the prospective employee, the method of recruiting, analysis of the results, and integration of the new employee into the existing organizational culture and setup. To identify the roles and responsibilities of the new employee, the HRM needs to conduct a detailed study and may require input from the existing workforce. Designing of the method of recruiting is another very complicated and extremely important task because this is the

Behavioural Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Behavioural Studies - Essay Example The development of motivation theory goes in the direction of individual approach to every employee. Abraham Maslow was the first to point to the fact that money and benefits aren’t the only factors motivating people. Frederick Herzberg and his colleagues carried out a broad research examining the factors contributing to job satisfaction and excellent performance of employees. As a result of their work Herzberg formulated the Motivation-Hygiene Theory or Dual-Factor Theory. Herzberg distinguished two types of separate factors. The first type are motivators resulting in job satisfaction, while the second type are hygienes, which simply prevent dissatisfaction. The motivators include: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, and advancement. The hygienes are: company policy and administration, supervision, working conditions, salary, interpersonal relations, status, and security. If applied effectively, hygienes may prevent dissatisfaction, but do not provide a gua rantee of employees’ long-term satisfaction. If applied poorly, they result in negative feelings about the job. Motivators contribute to psychological growth and development on the job. They are associated with the concept of self-actualization and involve a challenge and opportunity to get pleasure of achievement and feeling worthwhile. If a manager wants to motivate people, it is necessary to concentrate on the job itself and not only on working conditions, provide opportunities for growth and development. However, this theory cannot be applied to all the employees. The practice shows that many people are quite satisfied by good working conditions and do not strive for further development. Moreover, people’s needs and goals change with time and motivators may be different in different situations, conditions and time periods. Victor Vroom argued that to make employees happy and satisfied with a job it is necessary

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

Journal - Essay Example Attractive person strikes the cords in the hearts of most individuals who belong to the same community because he or she is believed to prove that harmony exists. Harmony, in its turn, can be viewed as a combination of ‘right’ and ‘desirable’ phenomena or concepts. Getting the idea of what is right, people start looking for the proof that the ‘right thing’ exists. Natalia Vodianova, the main character in the commercial, is seen by many as a very attractive woman. When she is shown in the video running with a prosthetic leg her aura of strength, glamorousness and grace is enhanced. In most cases, new things, unknown traits disagree with the concept of harmony and are not universally seen as attractive. But the video once again shows that the beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder. Worrying about ‘norms’ and labels people are ‘blindfolded’ and don’t see every person’s beauty. As the song goes â€Å"Money can’t buy me love†. But the same can be true about any other emotion or sensation. Money basically cannot make you feel something other that the joy of having money (provided you are prone to avarice). Thai commercial â€Å"Unsung Hero† inspired me to consider what money really means to people and what ‘currency’ can be invested in life. According to the authors of the commercial what people really want has nothing to do with fame, fortune, and success. It is the emotion or feeling of happiness. And in many cases it has nothing to do with money. Going on holiday to a new location, trying new dishes, buying new things is exchanging money for sensations. The holiday sun tan disappears, exotic food is digested, new clothes or gadgets soon become habitual and start serving their purpose be it protecting us from the rain and cold or facilitating communication. But the sensations, the emotions such as the excitement of the discovery of new destinations, fascination with one’s own reflection in the mirror

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Information law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Information law - Essay Example ed up to meet the rising challenges and prospects that comes with the possession of information in the citadel of political institutions has resulted in an ineffective imbalance between the political elite and the citizenry took up a massive campaign to reverse the trend; a product of this campaign has being the extension of these provisions to include the infamous Data Protection Act 1998. Notwithstanding these significant success chucked, a few years down the line the Act has generated mixed feelings and also generated unprecedented public interest. It is against this background that the central focus of this essay will be to conduct an exhaustive analysis of the most contending issues in the Data Protection Act 2000 within the context of the application of it to contemporary issues. Some observers are of the opinion that the innumerable exemptions in the Act have rendered it so feeble that it barely serves the purpose for which it was enacted. Whilst on the other hand, another school of thought holds a completely contrasting view of the Act as being an instrument that is lavishly granting arbitrary intrusive powers that are by themselves self-destructive; they primarily threaten social cohesion and sense of individuality. Essentially, the Data Protection Act 1998 is part of the general legal system that already has a number of legislations that boarder on the rights of information. They include among others the Common Law of Confidentiality, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Data Protection Act 1998 The government of the United Kingdom enacted and implemented the Data Protection Act 1998 through her parliament to provide the platform through which individuals are to be bestowed with the right to maintain a significant level of information from being disseminated to the public or third persons. In order words it can be said to be a form of privacy policy that safeguards the individual and other natural persons connected to him or her from

The Great Academic Reputation of the Undergraduate University Personal Statement

The Great Academic Reputation of the Undergraduate University - Personal Statement Example I graduated from Waseda University with a degree in Bachelor of Arts. Being one of the five toughest universities in Japan, the curriculum was already quite advanced and complicated as can be expected of any prestigious university. However, as a foreign student in Japan, the social surroundings and the language barrier proved even tougher than the academic challenges I had expected. I had no competence in the language. So before entering Waseda, it took me two years in a Japanese language school to improve my Japanese to a proficiency level. In the first two years during my time at Waseda University, my interests were focused on different principles in social sciences. I found these subjects interesting and rather ‘safe’ in terms of lack of planning about the future. However, in the last two years, I identified my subjects of interest and thus, started to take more interest in subjects like popular culture and media. For the same reason, I went for a seminar in business and economics on the principles of the creative industries. Combining my knowledge of social science and my passion for fashion, my senior graduation thesis was mainly about how creative artists can launch themselves into the market without seeking help from the gatekeepers. In my thesis, I emphasized the power of social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. to influence the businesses, especially in the creative sector. After graduating from Waseda University, I always found myself deeply passionate in the creative sector.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

Journal - Essay Example Attractive person strikes the cords in the hearts of most individuals who belong to the same community because he or she is believed to prove that harmony exists. Harmony, in its turn, can be viewed as a combination of ‘right’ and ‘desirable’ phenomena or concepts. Getting the idea of what is right, people start looking for the proof that the ‘right thing’ exists. Natalia Vodianova, the main character in the commercial, is seen by many as a very attractive woman. When she is shown in the video running with a prosthetic leg her aura of strength, glamorousness and grace is enhanced. In most cases, new things, unknown traits disagree with the concept of harmony and are not universally seen as attractive. But the video once again shows that the beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder. Worrying about ‘norms’ and labels people are ‘blindfolded’ and don’t see every person’s beauty. As the song goes â€Å"Money can’t buy me love†. But the same can be true about any other emotion or sensation. Money basically cannot make you feel something other that the joy of having money (provided you are prone to avarice). Thai commercial â€Å"Unsung Hero† inspired me to consider what money really means to people and what ‘currency’ can be invested in life. According to the authors of the commercial what people really want has nothing to do with fame, fortune, and success. It is the emotion or feeling of happiness. And in many cases it has nothing to do with money. Going on holiday to a new location, trying new dishes, buying new things is exchanging money for sensations. The holiday sun tan disappears, exotic food is digested, new clothes or gadgets soon become habitual and start serving their purpose be it protecting us from the rain and cold or facilitating communication. But the sensations, the emotions such as the excitement of the discovery of new destinations, fascination with one’s own reflection in the mirror

The Great Academic Reputation of the Undergraduate University Personal Statement

The Great Academic Reputation of the Undergraduate University - Personal Statement Example I graduated from Waseda University with a degree in Bachelor of Arts. Being one of the five toughest universities in Japan, the curriculum was already quite advanced and complicated as can be expected of any prestigious university. However, as a foreign student in Japan, the social surroundings and the language barrier proved even tougher than the academic challenges I had expected. I had no competence in the language. So before entering Waseda, it took me two years in a Japanese language school to improve my Japanese to a proficiency level. In the first two years during my time at Waseda University, my interests were focused on different principles in social sciences. I found these subjects interesting and rather ‘safe’ in terms of lack of planning about the future. However, in the last two years, I identified my subjects of interest and thus, started to take more interest in subjects like popular culture and media. For the same reason, I went for a seminar in business and economics on the principles of the creative industries. Combining my knowledge of social science and my passion for fashion, my senior graduation thesis was mainly about how creative artists can launch themselves into the market without seeking help from the gatekeepers. In my thesis, I emphasized the power of social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. to influence the businesses, especially in the creative sector. After graduating from Waseda University, I always found myself deeply passionate in the creative sector.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Macbeth and Free

Macbeth and Free Will Essay In Desiderius Erasmus’s Defense of Free Will, he refutes Martin Luther’s creed that God predestines everyone’s lives and instead asserts that man alone possesses the power to choose his own path to either salvation or damnation. The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, raises similar questions – did the protagonist, Macbeth, willingly choose to commit such atrocities as killing the king and his court to feed his own ambition, or did he merely play the role of a pawn, performing that which fate bade him do? Amid much controversy over this issue, evidence both in Erasmus’s critical essay and in the play itself affirms that Macbeth cognitively decides to act as he does in the play, confirming Erasmus’s perspective and suggesting that people have the ability to dictate their own fate through their thoughts, decisions, and actions. Through his interpretation of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, Erasmus writes in favor of free will over predestination, a concept that, when applied to the character Macbeth, raises questions about the motives behind his detestable actions. In his essay, Erasmus explores the â€Å"power of the human† (46) to â€Å"turn away from what leads to eternal salvation† (46). According to this opinion, Macbeth makes a conscious choice to pursue a life of crime and sin, instead of simply following his fate. Macbeth’s plea that the â€Å"stars hide [their] fires† (1. 4. 57) so that â€Å"light [would not] see [his] black and deep desires† (1. 4. 58) indicates that Macbeth remains aware that his â€Å"wicked, rebellious will† (Erasmus, 48) lies within himself, and he fears the consequences of his sinful deeds. This very fear of punishment reflects the existence of free will in Macbeth as Erasmus inquires, â€Å"why [should God] curse me, when I sinned through necessity? † (47). Macbeth’s clear understanding of the evil that he plans to commit and his fear of divine punishment suggest that characters in Macbeth choose their actions as opposed to following their destiny. Macbeth’s evil actions, however, are not completely driven by an inherent evil nature; although he does have free will in the play, he becomes a slave to his ruthless ambition because of his own moral weakness. As Erasmus writes, â€Å"there are certain seeds of goodness planted in men’s minds† (50), although â€Å"the will is perhaps more inclined to evil than to good† (50). In other words, everyone possesses both good and bad within them, and it is up to the individual person to â€Å"[turn themselves] towards, or away from, faith† (48-9). Macbeth’s apparently latent moral code surfaces occasionally throughout the first act in his moments of wavering in his violent resolve; he tells Lady Macbeth that they â€Å"will proceed no further in this business† (1.7. 34) in one of the scenes preceding the murder. However, the manipulative Lady Macbeth must only mention that which Macbeth desires and question his masculinity to crush Macbeth’s good side and force it to submit to his evil ambition. The ease with which Lady Macbeth extinguishes Macbeth’s doubt of the evil plan highlights Macbeth’s weakness for his ambition. Macbeth becomes a slave not to the devil, but instead to the very evil that resides within himself. Neither heaven nor hell predetermines Macbeth’s actions in the play; it is in fact his inability to compromise his ruthless ambition that ultimately forces him into crime. He chooses to sin of his own accord, and therefore faces his final punishment that sets the world back in order at the end of the tragedy. Through their individual works, Shakespeare and Erasmus imply that humans have free will to determine their own actions, and only the strongest of heart will succeed in accomplishing the work of God.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Types of Deposits and Bank Accounts

Types of Deposits and Bank Accounts Banks receive money from the public by way of deposits. The following types of deposits are usually received by banks: Current deposit Saving deposit Fixed deposit Recurring deposit Miscellaneous deposits Current Deposit Also called ‘demand deposit’, current deposit can be withdrawn by the depositor at any time by cheques. Businessmen generally open current accounts with banks. Current accounts do not carry any interest as the amount deposited in these accounts is repayable on demand without any restriction. Banks usually charge a small amount known as incidental charges on current deposit accounts depending on the number of transaction. HSBCs current account takes the hassle out of managing your daily finances. You wont need to rush around to pay your bills; simply arrange for direct debit payments or issue a cheque and mail it at your convenience. Whats more, youll have access to your account and a wide range of banking transactions, 24 hours a day, seven days a week with our ATM Cards. MCB make your everyday banking simple. It is also a perfect gateway to a world of products and services designed to meet your needs.MCB’s current account is like a swiss army knife: easily accessible, it comes with multiple features that are perfect for your daily banking needs like cheque books, overdraft facilities, credits cards, mobile banking and so on. Savings deposit/Savings Bank Accounts Savings deposit account is meant for individuals who wish to deposit small amounts out of their current income. A saving account can be opened with or without cheque book facility. There are restrictions on the withdrawls from this account. Savings account holders are also allowed to deposit cheques, drafts, dividend warrants, etc. drawn in their favour for collection by the bank. To open a savings account, it is necessary for the depositor to be introduced by a person having a current or savings account with the same bank. MCB ‘s retirement plan offer a comfortable retirement to old people. Start today by putting aside as little as Rs 1,000 each month in your Retirement Plan. This can help old person to better enjoy their lives peacefully without depending on others.MCB also offer educational plan by which it can offer a good future to your children. Education is key to your childrens future. But have you thought about the costs of higher studies? Start planning today by investing in our Education Plan. Planning your child’s future, with the Education Plan, you only have to contribute a monthly minimum amount of Rs500. Our financial experts will help you choose the investment funds that best suit your needs in our wide range of products. Barclays offer junior saving account. As a parent, you know its never too early for your child to learn to save. And it’s a better way to teach them with a fun, easy way – saving the junior way, enjoying high interest rates. Your child will be able to see his money grow faster, thanks to a higher interest rate than a normal savings account. Interest is calculated daily and credited half-yearly. Enjoy attractive interest rates as high as 1 months FD. Your Child is protected. MCB offers Junior 12-17. Teenagers have different expectations. Junior account 12-17 caters for their fast evolving needs while enabling you to save for their future and benefiting from: Fresh and rewarding Start saving with a minimum deposit of only Rs 500 Earn interest on your savings Let your child learn to manage money with a MCB Junior Card Register for MCB Refill and your child can reload mobile credits on the go (Emtel and Orange) Fixed deposit The term ‘Fixed deposit’ means deposit repayable after the expiry of a specified period. Since it is repayable only after a fixed period of time, which is to be determined at the time of opening of the account, it is also known as time deposit. Fixed deposits are most useful for a commercial bank. Since they are repayable only after a fixed period, the bank may invest these funds more profitably by lending at higher rates of interest and for relatively longer periods. The rate of interest on fixed deposits depends upon the period of deposits. The longer the period, the higher is the rate of interest offered. Barclays Bank- A Fixed Deposit Account can be a great way to save as it helps to remove the temptation to dig into your savings, all the while earning a higher rate of interest over a fixed term. As a Premier Banking customer you earn a significantly higher interest on your Fixed Deposits, with accounts available in both local and foreign currencies. With your Fixed Deposit Account you get: A fixed rate of return over an agreed period of 3 to 12 months calculated flat on the principal, Choice of account currency (SCR, GBP, EUR and USD) Minimal cost on breakage of the deposit before maturity You may apply for this account along with another applicant, where you may choose to have both parties be required to sign any instructions to debit the account or any of the parties sufficing for the transaction to be accepted. In addition, you may request for other parties to operate your Fixed Deposit Account on your behalf. We call such a nominated person an authorised signatory. To open a Fixed Deposit Account, you are required to have a current or savings account with us. Upon applying for your Fixed Deposit Account, you can provide us with instructions on how to manage the principal and interest in the account upon maturity of the deposit or provide the instructions when you receive your Renewal Notice. You may ask us to roll over the deposit plus interest at current rates, to roll over the deposit only and credit the interest your current or savings account, or to credit the principal plus interest to your current or savings account. While you are guaranteed a fixed interest on the principal, should you break your deposit prior to maturity, you will be charged a breakage fee and the pro-rated interest calculated based on the prevailing Instant Savings Account interest rate and the period over which the deposit was held. SBM Our term deposit gives you the option of placing your money for a fixed term, thereby earning a higher rate of interest. Features: Minimum deposit of Rs 50,000 Interest payable monthly, quarterly, half yearly or at maturity Interest paid to Current / Savings account (CASA) / by cheque Term Deposits offered for periods of 12, 24 and 36 month What happens if I want to withdraw the money prior to the maturity date? Floating Rate Deposit Encashment of deposit prior to maturity is at the discretion of the bank. Interest may be forfeited if funds are withdrawn within 3 months of date of deposit. A penalty of either 1% or the cost incurred by the Bank for replacement of the Deposit (whichever is higher) may be charged at the Bank’s discretion. Fixed Rate Deposit Encashment of deposit prior to maturity is at the discretion of the bank. In addition to 1% penalty, customer opting for fixed rate of interest will have to bear the cost of replacement of funds in case of premature encashment. The penalty to be levied for encashment of a fixed rate deposit will be determined at the time of encashment. The penalty will depend on the market rate prevailing on the date of encashment. Recurring Deposits Under this type of deposit, the depositor is required to deposit a fixed amount of money every month for a specific period of time. Each instalment may vary from Rs.5/- to Rs.500/- or more per month and the period of account may vary from 12 months to 10 years. After the completion of the specified period, the customer gets back all his deposits along with the cumulative interest accrued on the deposits. Miscellaneous Deposits Banks have introduced several deposit schemes to attract deposits from different types of people, like Home Construction deposit scheme, Sickness Benefit deposit scheme, Children Gift plan, Old age pension scheme, Mini deposit scheme, etc. ATM An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a computerized machine that permits bank customers to gain access to their accounts with a magnetically encoded plastic card and a code number. It enables the customers to perform several banking operations without the help of a teller, such as to withdraw cash, make deposits, pay bills, obtain bank statements, effect cash transfers. Advantages of ATM in Mauritius Get 24 hour access to your money Free of charge to any HSBC accountholder Saves time since no need to queue up at the Bank counter Withdraw or Deposit Cash Transfer Funds Balance Enquiries Banks ATM points in Mauritius MCB Around 91 SBM Around 44 HSBC Around 16 BARCLAYS Around 33

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Harbor Seals Essay example -- Animals Sea Wildlife Descriptive Essays

Harbor Seals Harbor seals are marine mammals that have spotted coats in a variety of shades from silver gray, black to dark brown. They reach 5 to 6 feet in length and weigh up to 300 pounds. Harbor seals are dimorphic, with the male being slightly larger than the female. They are true, or crawling seals, which means they have no external earflaps. True seals also have small flippers, and move on land by flopping along on their bellies. They breathe at the surface and hold their breath while diving. They can dive to 1,500 feet for up to 40 minutes, although their average dive lasts 3 to 7 minutes. Their scientific name basically means 'sea calf' or 'sea dog.' This nickname is fits them well, as these seals closely resemble a dog when their head is viewed at the surface of the water. When the harbor seal pup (baby seal) is born, it has a coat that closely resembles the adult coat. Some have a longer, softer white or gray coat (lanugo) when born, but they shed that coat within about 10 days. Harbor seals are found across the Northern Hemisphere in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the northeast Pacific, they range from Alaska to Baja California, in Mexico. They live near-shore coastal waters and frequent sandy beaches, mudflats, bays, and estuaries. Some harbor seals even live in certain areas of Europe such as Finland. The total harbor seal population in the northeast Pacific is estimated to be 330,000, in California the estimated population was 40,000, and in Europe the estimated population was 6,000 in 1997. Harbor seals spend about half their time on land and half in water, and they sometimes sleep in water. They may sleep most of the day on the beach to keep safe from the predators that hunt them, and go into the water only a couple of times each day to hunt for food. Harbor seals don?t have a permanent place to live but they usually are found in small groups, but sometimes occur in numbers of up to 100 to 500. Their average life span is around 25 years, although some have lived for over 30 years. However, males seem to live shorter lives, probably because of the added physical stress of fighting during mating season.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Harbor Seal is both a predator and a prey. They are very vital in the food chain. Seals eat a lot of fish and prevent over population, and they are a great source of food to animals such as orca whales, great... ... high tolerance to carbon dioxide in the tissues, they have the ability to store large amounts of oxygen in the muscle tissues, and they have the ability to make their lungs collapse when air is expelled before they dive, which helps to prevent the bends. To help see in dark and murky waters, the seals have special adapted eyes that make them able to see in such conditions. To guard against very cold water temperatures, harbor seals maintain a thick layer of fat beneath their skin, giving them a thick sausage shape. To make the harbor seals less noticeable to predators, their coats sometimes blend in with the rocks or sand they?re lying in. To help them find food easier, they have a keen sense of smell. Without these adaptations, who knows if the Harbor Seal would still exist today. Works Cited: *Hanan, D. (1999). Pacific Harbor Seals. Alolkoy Publishing Co. PP 12-59. *King, J. (1983). Seals of the World. British Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press. PP 20-26. *Internet: Sea World web site. April 20, 2001 *Internet: The Marine Mammal Center web site. April 20, 2001

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Milton’s Paradise Lost :: Paradise Lost

Milton’s Paradise Lost Critics of the Romantic Period have claimed that John Milton was unconsciously allied with the forces of evil. In Paradise Lost Milton’s accounts of â€Å"Devils & Hell† are much more elaborate and awe inspiring than those of â€Å"Angels & God.† Hell and Satan are portrayed extensively whereas the reader is given brief and inconclusive glimpses of Heaven. The apparent dichotomy is explained by William Blake: â€Å"The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of Angels & Gods, and at liberty when of Devils & Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil’s Party without knowing it.† Milton’s adherence to orthodox views resulted in an uninspired portrait of Heaven. Hell, in contrast, was greatly developed; the vivid imagery of the volcanic and desolate terrain gave Hell a genuine ambience. Milton described Hell as a â€Å"lake of fire† (280) and commented on the â€Å"Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire† (77). He indicated that darkness is given off instead of light: â€Å"No light, but rather darkness visible† (63). The devils, especially Satan, were characterized in more detail than the angels or God. The first two books of Paradise Lost featured the fallen angels’ debate regarding their future plans. As a â€Å"true Poet† Milton sought to appeal to the emotions of his readers. The natural human inclination towards evil inspired Milton’s powerful description of Hell as opposed to his unimaginative view of Heaven. Milton held strongly antipathetic views with regard to tyrannical authorities. He created numerous pamphlets to protest the regime of unjust rulers such as King Charles I. Blake suggested that Milton’s opposition to tyranny was also applicable to the authority of God. Both Satan and Milton expressed similar rebellious sentiments. In Paradise Lost, Satan speaks of God’s unjust rule, which parallels Milton’s philosophy regarding tyrannical princes and kings of his day. For example, Satan says to his followers that â€Å"All is not lost; the unconquerable Will / And study of revenge, immortal hate / And courage never to submit or yield† (106-108).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Deviance, Labeling Theory, Secondary Labeling and their Effects On Society

Deviance can be defined as anything that flouts social norms and values. As an example we can take the Ten Commandments, that other than being a religious document is also a set of regulations to assist in creating a comfortable social climate for all people in a social environment. Simple laws such as not to steal, commit adultery, murder or abuse, are set in order to make sure that all involved are protected from possible harm. When one individual decides to break these regulations the balance is out of kilter.In this essay we will define and explain the terms: deviance, secondary deviance and labeling theory and attempt to ascertain their importance and effects within a social stratum. Deviance is, as mentioned above, a conscious disregard for the norms and values specifically designed to protect the public. Deviance is often seen in terms of juvenile delinquents who by means of deliberate or forced action break the laws that protect the public or community. Deviance takes its for m in a number of ways that are socially relevant such as drug abuse, rape, murder, theft and armed robbery.The father of labeling theory, Howard Becker believed, however, that sufficient rehabilitation of said criminals leads to another set of problems altogether. â€Å"Being a â€Å"criminal† becomes a person's master status. It controls the way they are identified in public. Others do not consider their other statuses — that of spouse, parent, or worker — only that they are first and foremost a criminal. † In this instance, as Becker believes the identity of the person becomes that of a criminal immediately after they are found guilty and have a criminal record.The person therefore undergoes an identity change and a moral crisis. The concept of self becomes divided by the Me and I being shifted from an integrated whole, to two very different people. One person is the ‘inherent good’ and one is the ‘public bad’, yet they are the same person. If one looks at crimes such as gang violence, one sees a specific stigma, one of fear by the public and another of status by those involved. The need to belong becomes greater than the need to be right. Those that grow up without an effective social purpose (ie.Those that do not have parents or grow up in inefficient parental guidance) search for meaning elsewhere. Those that are not seen as acceptable by their general environment will almost certainly find acceptance in a gang or crime syndicate. This is because it grants them some degree of importance and power. These individuals derive power out of others fear. In terms of other abuses of status, rape is a particularly devastating form of deviance where debate surrounding public labelling can be touchy to say the least.A crime of this nature, regardless of the age of the perpetrator is one that is on the increase today. Theoretically, justice should seek to curb violent and deviant behaviour, but as Becker believes, it often undermines the rehabilitation process because once the individual has been labelled as a criminal they tend to be seen as such years after the punishment has been served and inhibits their ability to earn a decent, respectable income once they have left prison. It makes sense that when a convicted criminal applies for a job after they have served their sentence, the label of ‘criminal’ is already recorded.Naturally, the prospective employer is dubious as to whether to employ them or not. In relationships too, it becomes difficult for a spouse, friend or family member to trust the person again, leaving the convict alone and jobless. There is an immediate loss of self esteem, social concept, self-concept and value to society. Becker and his fellow symbolic interactionists believe that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy which is nearly impossible to break. More importantly, is the consequence of this labelling.As an example, we could use 11 September 2001, otherw ise known worldwide as Ground Zero, to illustrate a social problem such as labelling is responsible for. After the Twin Towers bombing, it became known that the perpetrators were Muslim fundamentalists and possible al-Qa’ida insurgents. Once this became known, Muslim mean were searched at airports and appeared to be discriminated against by general public. This is neither party’s fault in the end, as fear is a defence mechanism that the public drew up in order to protect themselves from further threat.Also apparent though, is that not all Muslims are potential mass murders or are genocidal. The same becomes apparent on another macro-level with the Germans and Adlof Hitler. That not every German is a Nazi may momentarily have escape some families of victims. The real problem, however with labelling of deviants, is that since they are unable to regain social status and unable acquire employment, they are forced back into deviant behaviour. This is termed secondary devian ce. The self-fulfilling prophecy as mentioned before becomes apparent.With no job or social support, theft seems to be the first port of call in order to survive. In order to do this, the person may be forced to join another gang and the snowball starts to roll. It is extremely difficult to re-integrate a criminal with a record back into society, so where does the answer lie. If it were possible to change the attitudes of the general public, it could be the difference between an integrated society and a dysfunctional one. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the individual will choose to keep their name clear after they are released.In conclusion it can be seen that deviance, secondary deviance and labelling are all integral parts of societal functioning, but don’t necessarily yield any solution to the growing trend of deviant behaviour among juvenile delinquents. The process remains as follows: due to some fate of upbringing the person in initiated into a deviant form o f behaviour; they are labelled delinquents, criminals and rehabilitants; they are unable to change their status due to criminal record, so they revert to deviant behaviour in order to survive. It would seem that the only appropriate solution or cure for this deviant culture, lies in the upbringing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Outline and assess Essay

The view that ethnic inequalities in educational achievement are caused by teachers and processes within school is a complex argument. Within school there is a clear pattern which demonstrates that the white population perform much better than the ethnic minorities which are doing worse, there are clear and concise figures from the Office for National Statistics, 47% of White British Males achieve 5 or more A- C at GCSE in comparison to 39% of Pakistani Male. There are studies which show that ethnic inequalities at school influence educational achievement, for instance; sociologist Wright (1992) study shows that teacher racism is still existent in schools. On the other hand, if this was the case that ethnic inequalities produced in schools, cause a failure in educational achievement then why is it that Chinese (69% of boys) and Indian (61% of boys) are significantly outperforming the white population (47% of boys). See more: essay apa format Therefore, this does not mean that ethnic inequalities are caused at school and that there could be cultural explanations at home which influence the failure of educational achievement, e. g. in Afro-Caribbean culture there is a high rate of male desertion which creates a barrier for education. In this essay I will outline whether processes within school i. e. ethnic inequalities influence the failure of educational achievement or would be the factors at home which influence this. There is much evidence which supports the view that ethnic inequalities in educational achievement are caused by teachers, as mentioned the study by Wright (1992). He had acknowledged that teachers had held racist labels for students of an Asian background, as they believed that Asian students had a poor knowledge of the English language which had meant that when during classroom discussions they would be left out due to this disadvantage or whilst discussion are taking place they would be spoken to in more simpler terms for them to understand. This shows how they haven’t been given an equal opportunity to join in rather they were just left out because of their disadvantage, this process makes them feel not part of the classroom therefore could also produce sub-cultures which is the most likely outcome. Interactionists study how teacher’s labelling has an influence on pupils educational achievement and how the label from different ethnic groups causes ethnic inequalities amongst the pupils. The main ethnicities which were affected by racial labelling were the Black and Asian pupils. Wright’s study also showed that Asian girls were seen as discreet and submissive this stereotyped them into being ‘invisible’ in class. Afro-Caribbeans were seen as both with behavioural problems and of low academic potential, resulting into conflicts with teachers. To contradict the view that Asians are predominantly racially abused, sociologist Fuller’s studies (1984) found that the teacher’s labels were a way of motivation for them. The labels which were given already by teachers as to becoming failures, made students more and more determined to achieve success and especially to prove the teacher wrong that they can be successful. This would be the case for students of a Chinese and Indian heritage; 70% of Chinese boys were achieving 5 or more A* – C grades at GCSE and 61% of Indian boys were to, in contrast to just 47% of White British Boys (Office for National Statistics). This shows that even ethnic minorities were achieving substantially higher than students of a British background, this challenges the Interactionists perspective as it shows that ethnic inequalities can be a good source of competitiveness and that it does not have to cause a failure in regards to educational achievement. However, there are further suggestions from sociologist Mirza’s study (1992)which supports the view that ethnic inequalities within educational achievement are caused by teachers and the processes within school themselves. Her study ‘Failed Strategies for Avoiding Racism’ outlines how some students are not able to develop strategies which help to cope with ethnic inequalities such as when they are faced with teacher racism and teacher labelling. Her study found that when black pupils were discussing careers and plans for further education they had ‘cooled down’; this shows how sub-standard they are viewed as they didn’t help them by providing guidance instead they casually just listened. She identified that there were three types of teacher racism; the first one being that they were ‘colour blind’: this meant that teachers views of all the pupils were equal however during practise they allowed racism to go unchallenged, this was passive racism. The second type was the ‘liberal chauvinists’ they had views of Black pupils being less privileged in terms of culture, which had led them to have low-expectations of their academic ability. Lastly, the ‘overt racists’: teachers would classify black pupils as ‘second class’ they were less superior and were discriminated actively. Also in 2007 a published report by Channel 4, they had uncovered the level of degree of racist attacks at schools, they had access to these rights via the Freedom of Information Act. The report had showed that over the past years there had been a substantial rise in the number of racial attacks a staggering 100,000 occurrences had been documented, this shows how racial attacks are still in Contemporary Britain and that they are still rising in today’s world. Nothing has been done to stop these incidents from happening and they are still going unnoticed. This view is also argued by Mirza, she believes that this is still a significant problem and that these figures are an underestimation of the problem itself. If this problem is not stopped this could further lead to a barrage of bullying as well as they are likely to underperform in their education. As well as this, the influence which teacher labelling has on pupils when they try to cope with teacher racism reinforces subcultures within the school. This is the case especially for Afro-Caribbean students as there are numerous studies which emphasise this point, one of the most significant studies from Gillbourn and Youdell’s (2000) study ‘Rationing Education’, the study showed that teachers were quick and hasty when it came to disciplining Black pupils which had shown bad behaviour and when it came to the other ethnicities whom had a similar behaviour were more lenient. This would be because teachers had held ‘racialised expectations’, as such teachers misinterpret behaviour and see Black pupils as anti-authority. This inturn creates conflict between teachers and pupils which reinforce stereotypes and leads to further problems. On the other hand, there are several, external reasons for why there are ethnic inequalities in education. One of the main ones would be language; foreign students would experience obvious difficulties when learning because English is not their first language. They would have difficulty interacting with other students as well as the teacher having the English language not their usual language; this would be the case for black British students as they are perceived as having non-standard English. Sociologist Mac an Gail (1988) supports this view, as he states that speakers of black British English may be labelled as less intelligent because of the form of language they use. As a consequence of this students may feel prejudiced against and actually use their language to ‘resist’ schooling. Lastly, in support of the statement there is further evidence from Sociologist Tony Sewell he had conducted an observation at a boy’s secondary school. Sewell (1998) observed the different approaches Black boys use when they cope with racism. He outlined that there were four main responses to teacher racism; the first response was the conforming type, this was suggested as there was clear evidence which had shown that majority of black pupils accepted the values of the school and they were keen to be successful. Next was the rebellious type, this was the most influential group but was still a minority; this subculture rejected the values of the school and opposed the school by joining a peer group. These reinforced the negative stereotypes of ‘Black Machismo’. Thereafter, the retreatists who were a small minority which were secluded and disengaged from peer group subcultures and the school. Lastly the innovators, they were the second largest subculture who was both pro-education as well as anti-school. They distanced themselves from ‘Conformists’ enough to keep credibility with the ‘Rebels’ whilst valuing education success. From Sewell’s conclusion it was clear that teachers had held a stereotype of ‘Black Machismo’ – seeing Black pupils as rebellious and anti-authority. To conclude from this, I do agree with the statement that ethnic inequalities in educational achievement are caused by teachers and the process within school however to some level degree. There is much evidence which supports this view as sociologist Mirza and Sewell have similar arguments which support the statement as teacher racism and labelling is very influential in terms of educational achievement. If students feel undermined by education because of labelling they would conform to being a ‘failure’ as because of their teacher’s expectations. However, it is fair to say that it could also work the other way and motivate students to become better and prove their teacher that they have the capability for success (being the case for Chinese and Indian students). There are also factors such as culture and language which have an influence and also can reproduce ethnic inequalities in educational achievement.